Summer Camp Programs 2022
21925 Frederick Road, Boyds, MD
7605-D Airpark Rd. Gaithersburg, MD 20879
From June 20 to Auguest 26
Monday through Friday From 8:30AM to 4:00PM
10% Discount if Register Before April 20, 2022
Martial Art, Cheerleading, Chess, Arts, Sports, Dance, Cooking, and Chinese Drama
from our professional Teachers
2408885630 Yanice (English) 8144417629 Yingzi (Chinese)
2028175707 Wendy (Chinese) 2404813382 Amy (English)
Call after 3:00 pm or Email: service@educonnects.org
Welcome to Educonnects and Tai chi Kung-fu Academy Summer Camp 2022. The summer camp opens 10 weeks at Bodys and 8 weeks at Gaithersburg. We will offer children fun activities, including Sports, Arts, Crafts, Cooking, Chess, Architects, Chinese Drama, Music, and more. We provide a great opportunity for children to explore the multiple activities at one camp. We will also offer some of the programs for the adults and memory techniques for children from 7 to12-year-old at Boyds Camp.
We will strictly follow CDC rules at camp during the pandemic. Camp time starts from 8:30AM to 4:00PM or 8:30AM to 6:00PM. Camp provides lunch, snacks, and drinks. All lunch will be ordered from the restaurant. Snacks and drinks will be individually wrapped. There is a $30 material fee each session or $15 each week. Camp offers 10% off if you register before April 20, 2022. 10% discount for Siblings of current students. one discount only per registration.
Upon registration, please send a one-week deposit to the address below to secure your spot. Please send the rest of your payment by check before June 10th, 2022.
Refund Policies:
The deposit will not be refunded if you withdraw after June 10th, 2022, and the Camp fee will not be refunded after the camp started. If we encounter issues due to pandemics, we will refund all your money back.
Pay to Education Connects, LLC and send you a check to:
Education Connects, LLC
P.O. Box# 1372
Clarksburg, MD 20871
Please send an email to service@educonnects.org if you have any questions.